Our Blogs and Podcasts

Taking away our own Mental Health stigma through sharing
Patrick Melville recently posted this video reminding us to share in 2021 to help preserve our mental wellbeing.
MMS’ First Step into publishing….
MMS was invited to share Patrick’s mental health experience in the book - Strength to Talk. Have a read!

Supporting your mental health journey in 2021
Patrick Melville recently posted this video reminding us to share in 2021 to help preserve our mental wellbeing.

The power of learning to listen
Active listening enables you to tune into what people are saying, which helps with understanding, empathy and clarity. Patrick Melville explains how it works.

Managing COVID stress
Patrick Melville explains his methods for dealing with Covid-related stress.

Summary of Nov mental resilience workshop take aways

Finding the right gift this season - Dec 2020