What is in your Circle of Strength?
A common tip in my work is how our minds focus too much on the negative side of our mental health - do you find that it is easier to focus on what annoys and frustrates you than what excites and pleases you? A good example is that we make more time to complain than to reward…..
Our focus on negative feelings and thoughts is normal. It is a defensive reaction. A defensive reaction is one side of the brain.
The other side of the brain is called ‘prosocial’. Prosocial is the positive side which brings us together, like I mentioned in my storytelling blog in October.
One of the training tips I give is to create and maintain a personal Circle of Strength. This encourages the prosocial side of our brain to fire up and keep those thoughts in our minds.
What do you think is the opposite of the Circle of Strength???
The Circle of Stress. It is natural for us to already a full circle of stress. It takes a lot of effort and attention: ‘what has caused my stress’, ‘what is driving my stress today’, and ‘what will stress us out in the future………..’
I recommend to re-focus the mind through creating and reviewing a personal Circle of Strength.
Here are the criteria to consider:
Choose things that you can Control.
Choose things that you can action now and also things that you can build.
Try new ideas or ones that you can re-try.
Include 1 or 2 items that you can do during your working day.
Here are some that I use per week. This is MY Circle of Stregth and what helps me. It might suit you or not. We are all unique and have all unique minds that have a unique impact and behaviour.
Feel free to share with me what is in your Circle of Strength……..I’d love a chat.
Patrick’s Circle of Strength